Carbon cycles of the Anthropocene oceans

Research group based at CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France

ExoCean lab

Experimental oCeanologie laboratory

This our [currently in-construction] lab, where the real science happens. It's located on the Technopôle de l'Arbois, in Aix-en-Provence. There we routinely run chemical experiments, analyse seawater samples for carbonate chemistry, and simulate sediment-water interface environments. All our equipment is always ready to be taken on an expedition at sea. 
Microprofiler (e.g., pH, O2, H2S, NO3, redox)
Microprofiler setup with a pH microsensor, doing a pH profile on a retrieved sediment core
The MicroProfiling System purchased from Unisense is a high quality tool for microscale measurements in numerous types of applications, e.g. H2S profiles in biofilm, pH gradients in seagrass or oxygen concentrations in sediment samples. The micro manipulator is fully motorised and programmable with laptop. Measured chemical profiles can be seen live, in the lab or in the field. 
Nanorespiration system, to study the respiration rate of an individual organism (here, foraminifera)
Rotating-disk reactors
The rotating disk reactor on Dutch national TV.
The rotating disks reactors are home-made, can be used to reproduce the hydrodynamics of natural benthic environments, from high-energy turbulent-regime environments (e.g., carbonate platforms) to low-energy, slow and laminar flow regime environments (e.g., abyssal plains). They are temperature controlled and allow the insertion of sensors within the sediments, to study porewater chemistry changes or measure chemical fluxes across the sediment-water interface. See Sulpis et al. (2019) for more information and manufacturing/usage instructions. There are 6 rotating disk reactors in the lab, all with a disk rotating speed that can be remotely controlled.
High-pressure reactor
The high pressure reactor on the RV Pelagia.
The current high-pressure reactor is a Novoclave purchased from Büchiglas. There is an external hand pump that pushes water inside a temperature controlled, stirred reactor, generating pressures up to 500 bars (the equivalent of 5000 m below sea level!).  The temperature and stirring rate can be adjusted and even programmed to change through time. The pressure can either be stationary, to simulate an aquatic environment at a given depth, or gradually increased or decreased, to simulate the settling of particles across the water column or the retrieval of sediment cores. Water can be sampled from the reactor chamber, even when it's under pressure, to monitor the chemical reactions occurring within. The reactor can be used in the lab or in the field. 
Titrators (e.g., alkalinity, oxygen, salinity)
Stirred reactors